Northern Campus Maps

  • Use the map below to zoom in on any area of campus you would like to know more about.
  • Open the map options from by clicking the button in the top left of the map.
    Open map options
  • Check the Category or individual building you are interested in.
  • View the information in the pop up information box.
  • Printable Campus Map

A visual representation of the campus of Northern State University

Directions to Campus

From Highway 281 South - Turn east onto Melgaard Road. Turn north onto Lincoln Street. Turn east onto 12th Avenue SE.

From Highway 281 North - Turn east onto 6th Avenue SE (or Highway 12). Turn south onto Main Street. Turn east onto 12th Avenue SE.

From Highway 12 East - Turn south onto State Street. Turn west onto 12th Avenue SE.

From Highway 12 West - Turn south onto Main Street. Turn east onto Main Street. Turn east onto 12th Avenue SE.