ABERDEEN, S.D. – Area businesses are encouraged to register for the Northern State University Career Fair, which will be held 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 9 in the NSU Student Center Centennial Rooms.

The career fair, sponsored by NSU Career Services and Aberdeen Development Corporation, is designed to promote post-graduation, professional employment and internship opportunities for Northern students.

Businesses are encouraged to attend if they have positions available for soon-to-be NSU graduates in a range of career fields:

? Arts and sciences: including biology, chemistry, communications, criminal justice, languages, math, political science and psychology

? Business: including accounting, agribusiness, banking and financial services, economics, international business studies, management and marketing

? Education: including counseling; elementary, secondary and special education; human performance and fitness; and sport marketing and administration

? Fine arts: including advertising design, multimedia design, music, music education and theater

Businesses may register online using the form found here: https://northern.formstack.com/forms/careerfair. The deadline to register is Friday, Feb. 3. Registration fee is $50, which includes one eight-foot table and two chairs; lunch and beverages for up to two people; free Wi-Fi; access to electricity; and private interview space.

Students may attend the career fair free of charge. They are encouraged to bring resumes and dress in professional attire.

For more information, contact NSU Career Services at careerservices@northern.edu or 605-626-2371.
