Hometown: Roscoe, SD
Year: Sophomore
Major: International Business
Involved in: Community Assistant, Student Government, McNair Scholar, International Student Organization (ISO), Student Admissions Representative
Our give-it-a-go, fail-forward, entrepreneurial spirit in Aberdeen and on campus provides you with authentic opportunities to discover your gifts and develop your talents. Please share a time you felt you could relate:
As a business major, we get great networking opportunities which helps us explore more of our major. This is true of all majors. Even if you aren’t a business major, if you have that entrepreneurial spirit we have plenty of FREE workshops! Professors and staff walk beside you and guide you through the ups and downs of college.
Who is a faculty member who has impacted you positively? How?
I wholeheartedly cannot pick one faculty member because every single faculty member I have talked to has always been willing to help from the staff in the Student Success Center to the professors and the student affairs department. Everyone here makes Northern feel like a home.
Northern’s welcoming and safe campus community, student organizations, teams, clubs and programs give you ample opportunities to find your people. Please share a story about what you are involved in and how it has impacted your experience positively.
I am involved in so much at Northern! At Northern you can be as busy as you want to be! I am currently a Community Assistant, I am in Student Government, ISO, and I am a McNair Scholar. I love everything that I do here and everything I am involved in will help me in the future for my career.
Starting with the scholars walk at convocation to the faculty cheering tunnel at graduation, your Northern Experience is marked with memorable milestones and traditions. What is a milestone highlight in your experience?
Ever since I attended Northern I have had a milestone every semester! I am blessed to be doing everything that I am doing. From SGA and being able to do research with the McNair scholarship program. Every chance I get is a milestone in my life.
Professors and staff care about you and are dedicated to helping you learn and grow as a person. Please share a story that relates and how it positively impacted you:
The second semester of my freshman year I got an opportunity to work for a company, but it seemed a little sketchy. I reached out to one of my professors and we only had about a month of getting to know each other, and still he offered to help me research about the company. He took time out of his busy day to help someone that only took his class once.
Explore your interests with a campus community who takes the time to get to know you and connect you to new adventures. Please share an example of your experience:
Residence Life is an important part of my life now. As a Community Assistant, I had to do two weeks of training and in those two weeks of training we got to know everyone on a deeper level.
What is your favorite place off-campus to hang out?
I really love going to Caribou with my friends and being able to just relax, talk, or even get some homework done.
What is/are your favorite restaurant(s) or shopping location(s) in Aberdeen?
I really love shopping at Marshalls and Bath and Body Works because of their sales! My favorite place to eat would either be Dulce’s or Tokyo Steak house. They have some delicious food!
My favorite thing about NSU is…
My favorite thing about NSU is all the great opportunities NSU offers! The amount of things I am involved in that will help me in the future is something I never would have imagined! I am involved in SGA, ISO, I am a Community Assistant, and I have many more opportunities!
My best piece of advice for students considering NSU?
My best piece of advice for students considering NSU is that Northern is a social environment which is helpful because you make connections quickly, and everyone likes to help everyone! Don’t be afraid to be in a new environment because at Northern we all try to help each other.
When I’m not working, I am…
When I am not working, I either take a nap, do homework, work on other projects, or hangout with friends!
What has been your biggest achievement in life so far?
My biggest achievement would have to be everything that I have done so far because every milestone I have hit whether it is small or big is an accomplishment for me! I have grown so much and I am in clubs I never would have done before.
I could not live without…
I could not live without my family because they are my rock. They help and support me through everything.