To advance the student success agenda of Northern State University, we will:

  • Provide safe, comfortable, affordable, and physically and programmatically appealing housing and dining programs to students living on campus;
  • Provide integrated wellness services to address physical and behavioral health;
  • Educate students; encourage personal accountability for their choices and actions; refer students to appropriate resources on and off-campus;
  • Engage students in leadership opportunities; provide educational, social, and entertaining programs and events;
  • Foster opportunities for students to provide feedback to the university and participate in shared governance.



To promote student success through engagement, holistic wellness, and providing excellent student-centered services.



Our values represent beliefs and principles that drive the culture and priorities of Student Affairs and provide the crucial framework within which decisions are made. 

Student Development

Creating services, environments, and programs that develop students along intellectual, cognitive, social, ethical, and identity dimensions.


Personal and Social Responsibility

Educating students to strive for excellence, cultivate personal and academic integrity, contribute to a larger community, take seriously the perspectives of others and develop competence in ethical and moral reasoning and action (Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2007).


Holistic Wellness

Promoting cognitive, cultural, emotional, environmental, financial, physical, social, and spiritual wellness as critical components of student success.


Inclusion and Sense of Belonging

Fostering a diverse and international community that includes, validates, recognizes, and respects all ethnicities, genders, sexualities, identities, abilities, cultures, and worldviews as a required foundation of student success.



Developing an engaged student body creates an inclusive community, fully participates in the life of the university, connects classroom content to real-life situations, and integrates learning into their understanding of the world around them. Engaged students perform better academically, persist to graduation, and are more likely to remain connected to the University following graduation.



Welcoming and assisting students in the transition to college and Northern State University in ways that support the values and priorities of retention, persistence, engagement, and wellness.