If born after 1956, have proof of two measles, mumps, and rubella immunizations turned in to NSU Student Health Services. If you have questions, call Student Health Services at 605-626-7694.
You have several options to provide the appropriate documentation:
- You can obtain rubella, rubeola, and mumps titers.
- You can receive 2 vaccinations of MMR, which can be obtained from your physician or clinic. Student Health can also administer immunizations, but does not file insurance.
- You can provide medical documentation of the mumps, rubeola, and rubella diseases.
- You can supply immunization records that show you received all the required immunizations.
Since mumps immunization was not previously a requirement, it is possible that complete documentation is still needed. Therefore, we are encouraging students to take a second look at their immunization information. If you do not have access to your records but would like to search for them, resources include your high school, previous college records, state department of health, or your physician. If you attended K12 in South Dakota, you may contact the S.D. Department of Education at 800-592-1861 to find your records.
- Special note to students born before 1978 – The mumps vaccine was not routinely included with the rubella and rubeola vaccine. Please contact the Student Heath office (605-626-7694) for your specific circumstances. You may need to obtain documentation of two doses of mumps to be in compliance.
- Compliance is required to remain registered.
- The NSU Online Bookstore, at TextbookX, operates completely online. Students visit the website to order online and have their textbooks shipped to them (digital course material access is emailed). Students are encouraged to order textbooks before the start of the term and deliver to their homes but can also ship to campus if they have already returned for the term (pick up at the NSU Post Office in the Student Center). The online bookstore's customer experience team offers 24/7 support at the beginning of every spring and fall term. Get help at NSU Online Bookstore or TextbookX Help.
- If you live in a residence hall, a mailbox will be assigned to you at the NSU Post Office. Please stop there to pick up your mailbox combination after you have moved in.
- Get a parking permit for your car. If you will be parking a car in any of the campus parking lots, a parking permit must be displayed in your car. You do not need to have a parking permit during the summer semester. To purchase your parking pass, visit Parking. All students are required to complete attendance confirmation each semester. This must be done by the day after Census Date. Census date can be found in the Important Dates section of the class schedule or at myNSU.
Check your NSU email frequently for important information, including your e-bill notification, which tells you when the billing statement is posted. You will not receive a paper bill. Bills are posted on Self-Service Banner and are updated weekly. Find your billing statement online at Student Billing.
Payment is due the day after Census Date each semester. Census date can be found in the Important Dates section of the class schedule or at myNSU.
- If you fail to do these things, your registration may be cancelled, but it does not guarantee cancellation.
- To ensure you are not charged for courses you do not intend to take, please drop courses and notify the Registrar’s Office if you will not be attending before the start of the term.
- Any changes to your schedule must be made by the designated day.
- Make payment arrangements with the Finance Office by the designated day.
- If you are a financial aid recipient, attendance confirmation must be completed by the designated day to guarantee your aid will be applied and your refund will be available by the start of the term.
- Financial aid will NOT be applied until attendance confirmation is completed.
- Check with the respective areas for the designated days: Registrar, Finance Office, and the Financial Aid Office.
You can pay online, by mail or on campus. Find details at Finance Office.
- When you register for classes, you may be asked to complete four short items. The first deals with the terms and conditions of registering. The others ask that you indicate the state you will be in while taking classes. This is for a federal mandate to determine the location of students taking online/remote/virtual classes. You will need to complete all sections before registering.
- When you enroll in a class, you own it. It becomes your responsibility to pay for it, do attendance confirmation, and participate in it.
- Get your mobile ID set up by visiting Pack Pass.
- Ensure your financial aid is in place by contacting the Financial Aid Office at 605-626-2640.
- Fill out a student consent to release form if you would like anyone else, including your parents or spouse, to be able to access your educational or financial files. Forms are available at the Registrar’s Office and on the Knowledge Base under Records and Registration.
- Contact the Admissions Office at 605-626-2544 if you need assistance retrieving your student ID. Your NSU e-mail address will be provided at registration. You can also find it online by visiting Technology Services or contacting tech services at MeWaldt-Jensen 303, 605-626-2283, or
- NSU requires all full-time students to bring a mobile computing device to campus. Wireless is available across campus an in all residence halls. For information on hardware and software recommendations, see the Technology Services Catalog at Technology Services.
- Learn how to use MyNSU and Self-Service Banner at myNSU and Self-Service Banner. You will receive login information at the time of registration. Use myNSU and Self-Service Banner to add or drop classes or view your class schedule, program requirements and other academic information.
- Follow Northern's course catalog at NSU Catalog as long as you're enrolled at Northern.
- If placement tests are needed, these should be taken prior to registration. Please make arrangements with Admissions to take these.
- If you have earned more than 24 credits and have chosen a major or if you are undecided or have less than the required 24 credits, admissions will make an appointment for you and your advisor.
- Check your NSU e-mail frequently for important information.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact any of the offices below:
- Admissions: 605-626-2544
- Registrar: 605-626-2012
- Financial Aid: 605-626-2640
- Finance Office: 605-626-2566