Cangleska Waste' (Good Circle) Program
The program encourages student-centered planning and cultural and navigational experiences that will help students cultivate a deeper cultural footprint while at NSU.
We help students navigate college life from the time they arrive through graduation. We're a place where building connectedness and a sense of community contributes to the personal growth of our American Indian/Alaska Native students.
Dedicated Student Services
- Individualized academic advising to help students from first day through graduation
- Mentoring program
- Weeklong bridge program to build community and help with the transition from home to a college setting
- Tribal higher education and scholarship assistance
- Financial literacy workshops
- Specialized skill-building sessions
- American Indian internship opportunities
- Dedicated program office with student lounge
- Connection to the Native American Student Association (NASA)
- Networking
- Professional/elder/community support
Academic Offerings
- Connection to tutoring center/peer tutors
- Feathering/graduation ceremony
- Crazy Horse Memorial Scholarship
Campuswide Events
- Cultural speaker series
- American Indian/Alaska Native issues
- Feathering/graduation banquet
- Crazy Horse Scholarship banquet
- Workshops (elder storytelling, talking circle, cultural presentations)
Northern student wins recognition with Lakota ceremonies research
Northern State University Honors student Jaeden Shaving won first place in the National Collegiate Honors Council annual conference diversity poster category for his research titled “The Sacred Rites: The Meaning Behind Lakota Spiritual Ceremonies.”
Native and Indigenous Studies Minor

Northern offers a Native and Indigenous Studies minor, which features Lakota language classes; experiential learning opportunities, including a traveling classroom; and new courses in Native identity and resiliency, global indigenous media, and Federal Indian law. This minor will help students draw connections between local Native American experiences and global indigenous cultures within a broad range of topics.
Meet our Staff

Circle Program Academic Advisor