About the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities
The OSRR strives to inspire students to achieve their personal and educational goals, embrace institutional values and display respect for all members and guests of the university.
The OSRR promotes an efficient, fair, and ethical student conduct process. It also helps students better understand university policies and procedures, and promotes a campus atmosphere of progressive personal, social, and educational growth.
The OSRR manages incident reports and behavioral referrals involving NSU students who may have violated the NSU Student Code of Conduct. From inception to completion, each case is evaluated individually. A variety of educational resources are available to reach a resolution that best serves the student and campus community.
Student Handbook
The NSU Student Handbook, developed by the Office of Student Affairs, includes helpful information about services, administrative policies and procedures at NSU. It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of current policies.
Questions about this handbook, or other information, should be directed to the vice president for